Register a Domain Name that represents your brand

A Domain Name that represents your core beliefs


Carefully search, choose and register an appropriate domain name. Remember that this domain name is crucial because it will represent your company, its values, ethics and principles. Finding a good name takes time.


WEBNUBI -Our best site builder for non-techies

A great website builder that anyone can use and

create a true 'no-code' websites in minutes. Nothing else feels this easy

WebNubi Free $0

-Build a site on our domain

-Up to 50,000 monthly visits

-Basic CDN & SSL included

-Basic building tools

-40+ Free design templates

-Premium features & designs

WebNubi Pro $8.90/mo

-Publish on your domain

-Hosting + CDN + SSL

-PRO builder elements

-Pop-up & Alerts builder

-100+ Pro design templates

-One email account


We are an alternative to Wix, Squarespace, and Clickfunnels . We’re a dedicated cloud-based service (SaaS) application with features such as: Landing Page Builder, Web Stories, Popups & Notifications Builder, Blogging (Content Management System), Global CDN & Unlimited visits

Intuitive drag-and-drop; visual (no code) page builder with 36+ Powerful Elements

Time-saving features such as global colors and fonts, save blocks, layouts, styling templates, etc.

Advanced customization options for pro website builders

Advanced Custom Fields Builder

Global Styling

With Global Styling you can change colors and typography, across your entire site with a single click, using our beautiful & mobile ready 100+ design templates

You can can also start with a blank page and let your imagination guide you, or just import one of the pre-designed Pages, Blocks or Pop-up designs

Mobile-ready designs and mobile-only view designing features

Publishing Options

Sub-domain â€“ Like in Blogspot, you can edit the sub-domain name and receive a URL similar to: On Tumblr,, and Wix,

Custom domain â€“ Like in the premium plans of most online funnel-building tools such as Clickfunnels, where you can map your domain and remove the branding from the URL

HTML Files Export


Cloud Hosting is powered by:

Amazon Web Services offers reliable, scalable, and super-fast cloud solutions. We use AWS for hosting (EC2), storage (S3) and database (RDS)

Content Delivery Network is one of the fastest Content Delivery Networks in the world. Our platform uses Bunny for CDN and for image optimizations

Pricing Plans

WebNubi Free


Super Fast Cloud Hosting

Build a site on our domain

Basic CDN + SSL

Basic building tools

40+ Free design templates

Premium features & designs

WebNubi Pro


Super Fast Cloud Hosting

Publish on your own domains

Unlimited hosting + CDN + SSL

Pop-up & Alerts builder

100+ PRO design templates

36+ Powerful Elements

Automated Backups

One eMail Account

Collaboration Websites

The main concept is actually very simple: You participate in your website creation and in the process you save thousand of dollars.

We will provide you with access to view the draft of your website. Later you will be able to easily upload content and graphics directly to your website, without altering the design.

Beautiful and practical Marketing websites

This is an ideal solution for a Marketing, Corporate Image, Professional, or Branding site. This website will be your main marketing tool, because a good website is one of the most important assets of a company.

Like any good website we design, yours will be well organized, well laid out, attractive and professional. It will also be designed with your audience and market in mind. When your website is well organized, it's easy to follow and easy to use. A good website also captures attention, awake emotions, and easily delivers what is needed

Electronic eCommerce Solution

Start your online business, electronic eCommerce Solution. We will design a a website based in your particular needs. You may have your website in a matter of days, without investing thousands of dollars in it.

Your website will promote your business or project, increase your audience, promote and sell products. 

Your website will also be an essential part of your marketing campaigns and help you drive online traffic

Professional email account

Business eMail

A customized email account (5 GB) to shows you are an established business.

Build your brand with every email you send.

Professional email makes your business look good.

Your email will look like:

Enterprise eMail

It provides a number extra features such as shared calendaring, global contacts, push synchronization for mobile devices, MS Outlook & Mac OSX.

30GB of email storage. Never run out of space. State-of-the-art it, securely backed-up webmail platform



Before developing a web site you need a Domain Name. A good domain name sells in the market between $3,000 to $20,000. The best names sell in the hundreds of thousands and even millions. We help you create a good name for only $299


We offer an all-inclusive SaaS platform which allows you to create websites with our intuitive builder, host them on our super-fast servers, and manage everything from a single back-end dashboard

Hosting with SSL included

We include by default the SSL certificate that enables your site to display the HTTPS prefix and a lock icon in the URL bar

Image Optimization

Every image used in your site is automatically optimized on upload to ensure your website fastest loading

Super-fast Hosting

With no setup needed


Unlimited Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

Unlimited visitors and media storage

Security & Reliability

Our servers are secure with real world uptime of 99.9%

Amazing page loading speed

We've tested randomly one of our pre-made designs, which comes included with WebNubi. These are the performance grades and page load times:

Google Speed: 97, 653ms; 

Pingdom: 91, 479ms

GTmetrix: 100, 566ms

Hassle-free Platform

We provide hosting solutions with cutting edge technology. No more outdated interfaces that are extremely complex and hard to use

Cloud Hosting Included

Hosting comes included with every WebNubi Cloud Plan

Automated Backups

In the event of something going wrong, we can restore your website to a previous version from automatic backups our system makes

Easy Team Collaboration

We can help you design your website, or you can hire a designer to help you

Global CDN

For fastest Content Delivery